Navdihne nas lahko veliko stvari – narava, otroci, knjiga, besede,…
Največ, kar lahko naredimo zase in za druge, je da te stvari opazimo in delimo z drugimi.
Knjige, ki so se nas dotaknile, delimo z vami v kaj beremo, tule pa vam poklanjamo še par zanimivih predavanj in govorov:
Ichak Adizes: What is Leader
Lance Secretan: Inspire! What Great Leaders Do!
Daniel Pink: The surprising truth what really motivates us
René Carayol – Leaders Create Stories
Steve Jobs: Stanford commencement speech 2005
Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms
Shukla Bose: Teaching one child at a time
Kiran Bir Sethi teaches kids to take charge
Elizabeth Gilbert: On letting your genius out
JK Rowling: The fringe benefits of failure
Randy Pausch: Last Lecture – Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability